JVA´s team is led by experts in the property market and is composed of professionals with various areas of expertise ranging from property valuation, leasing and transaction execution to project development, investment analysis and reporting. Your colleagues will be highly trained and motivated and everyone is expected to assume relevant responsibilities right from the start. We are a dynamic and growing company so we value people with ambition, creativity and adaptability.

We believe that the best teams in the workplace are those where members complement one another. Consequently, our team includes professionals with many years of experience in the field as well as recent graduates and young students from different areas and backgrounds. Our goal as a team is to achieve excellent business results in a stimulating working environment for our clients and ourselves.



Buscamos personas con experiencia en el manejo y análisis de datos, elaboración de informes y presentaciones y atención de clientes.

Conocimientos requeridos

Estudiantes avanzados o egresados de la carrera Economía, con conocimientos de estadística, manejo de bases de datos y buen nivel de idioma inglés. Se valorarán los conocimientos avanzados de Excel, y de herramientas como VBA para la generación de macros en Excel.

Principales tareas

  • Participación en tareas de investigación (research)
  • Gestión y análisis de datos
  • Elaboración de análisis de inversiones, estudios de rentabilidad y viabilidad financiera
  • Elaboración y presentación de informes
  • Atención de clientes

Envianos tu CV a haciendo referencia a la posición en el asunto del mail.


For students or recent graduates we offer an internship program from 3 to 6 months. In case you are interested please send an internship request consisting of resume, academic records and motivation letter to


Spontaneous job applications are welcome. In case you are interested please send an internship request consisting of resume and motivation letter to